Authors Guide
Original manuscripts containing materials that have neither been previously published elsewhere nor under consideration by any other journal for publication may be submitted for consideration. Only manuscripts in English will be considered this time.
- Manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word with single line spacing, page size A4 with 3 cm margins and forwarded via email as an attachments to the Editor with the request for consideration for publication.
- All tables should be prepared using Microsoft Word Table and appropriately placed within the texts.
- Graphs and line drawings should be in black and white. Pictures should be in jpeg format, preferably in high contrast black and white, but if necessary in colour.
- Manuscripts should be organized with Titles in capitals, authors’ names preceded by initials, all capitalized, authors’ addresses I lower case each linked to authors’ names by means of superscript numbers at the last letter of each surname, followed by corresponding author’s e-mail address and phone number linked to authors’ name by means of an asterisk. Abstract of not more than 300 words followed by four to eight keywords.
- The main text should be arranged in the order:
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion (or Results and Discussion)
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement and
- References